Family and Members profile, sacrament registers, commissions and associations, groups and volunteers, workflow and more
The dashboard provides you with complete insight at diocese level, church level, family level, and member level. The dashboard is specially customized per user role with components like number of families, members, gender counts, communities, baptism, communion, marriage and other sacraments, commissions, associations, prayer requests, donations, subscriptions and more
Each insight element will take you to the relevant module and any data forms associated with it. List view, image view, card view, profile view and more views are available to easily access information as you need it.
A parish profile is a core element of our system. Tabs conveniently organize the profiles into Basic, Advanced, Christian Communities, Families, Members, Stations, Institutions, Councils, Members, Associations and more.
Information can be further narrowed down to History, Pastoral History, Subscription, Settings, Cemetery, Prayers, Subscription, Donations, Offerings, Communication and other helpful categories.
Profiles can be rolled up to a comprehensive overview and drilled down to individual records as needed.
The family profile helps the administation maintain all families that are part of the church. Quick view shows you the total family count, head of each family, members in the family, head of the family, place they live, immediate contact number, email id and more.
Easy navigation allows access to the complete family profile. To ensure security, the family members private and connfidential information (photos, contact numbers, email addresses, date of birth, and so on) can be restricted through permissions. Only approved information will get displayed when a family profile or individual member profile is accessed.
The members profile is a core area where you can maintain individual member profiles. Member profiles can be associated with groups, commissions, communities, registers and more.
Members list view is organized by family: head of family, wife, and dependents in sequential order. This helps church staff to see the information in an organized hierarchy as well as being able to drill down to each fmember profile.
The system provides you instant register access for all parishoners on demand. Deoifferent registers can be designed once and the format easily applied when generating or printing. Sacramental registers like baptism, Holy Communion, marriage and others be maintained at parish level, family level and member level.
Registers can provides variety of insights including the growth of a parish, a history of the parish, and the status of differement member level groups.
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